Artist in residence program by Kamoe Art Center Hamamatsu 2023
もうしこみボタンから もうしこんで ください。
Googleフォームが むずかしいひとは かもえアートセンターに メールを ください。
Please apply by Google form above. If you need help or have any question, please feel free to contact us by E-mail event@kamoeartcenter.org.
We will make a flag together using a method called ”Cyanotype”!
When it is finished, we will display it in various places in Hamamatsu!
Enjoy making arts with snacks and drinks.
じこしょうかい Artist’s self-introduction
かわい ひかる KAWAI Hikaru
・1999ねんうまれ 24さい とうきょうにいます。
I have roots in Japan and China. I am called half-Japanese.
I am researching communication, anti-racism movement , and creating
works based on my identity.
Born in 1999, 24 years old, in Tokyo
I love the sea, Sawayaka Hamburg steak and sauna!
We all live in the same way
にほんじん、がいこくじん、ハーフ、クウォーター… このなまえはだれにつけられたんだろう?ずっとむかしから、おなじばしょでくらしているのに、なぜわけるの?
Japanese, foreigner, half, quarter… Who gave them these names? Why do we have different names when we have been living in the same place for a long time?
Japan has a single national capital, but there are many different people in it. It is not only for Japanese people.
Then letʻs add more flags!
My Wish
I want to create a society in which everyone can live comfortably and in peace just as they are.
What is Cyanotype?
• しゃしんのぎほうのひとつ
• せっけいずをいんさつするとき、やすいのでよくつかわれてきた。しょうらいのせっけいずといういみでつかわれることも。
• たいようのひかり(しがいせん)でプリントする
One of the methods of photography
Often used when printing architectural blueprints because it is cheap.
→In Japanese, it is also used in the sense of future plans.
Printed by sunlight of the sun (external light source)
DAY 1 “Cyanotype Practice
Print out a postcard for each participant.
I will take care of the supplies and materials.
You can take your work home with you!
・もちものは ひつようない です。
・よごれてもいい ふくを きてください。
・おかし や たべもの や のみもの のもちこみOKです。
For those who will attend on DAY1
You do not need to bring anything.
Please wear clothes you don’t mind getting dirty.
You are welcome to bring snacks, food and drinks.
DAY2 Flag making
Bring in materials under the theme of “something that represents you. The regulation size is approximately A4 size.
Place the materials on the flag and expose them to sunlight.
After waiting for about 30 minutes, wash with water.
After 30 minutes, wash it with water. When it is dry, it is finished.
・あなたをあらわすもの を1つ もってきてください。しゃしんのばあいは、つぎのしつもんに データを アップロード してください。
・なにを もってきたらいいのか わからないひとは そうだんしてください。
・よごれてもいい ふくを きてください。
・おかし や たべもの や のみもの のもちこみOKです。
For those attending on DAY2.
Please bring an object that identifies you. If you choose a photo, please upload the data to the following questions.
Sundries, clothes, accessories, toys, words, poems, illustrations, plants, sweets, photos, paper cuttings, forms that represent you, etc…
If you don’t know what to bring, please let us know.
Please wear a suit that you don’t mind getting dirty.
You are welcome to bring snacks, food and drinks.
さつえい Filming for archiving
さつえい Filming for archiving
★さつえいしたものをへんしゅうして 2がつに かもえアートセンターで てんじします
We will take photos and videos of everyone making the flags.
Edit the videos you have taken to make one movie. We will exhibit it at the Kamoe Art Center in February.
We will not take pictures of your face.
For those who are featured in the work, I will ask for permission to use cuts of your voice and body as a part of the actual work.
By participating in this workshop, you become a part of my art work.
プロフィール Artist’s profile
河合ひかる KAWAI Hikaru
ばしょ Venue
Kamoe Art Center Hamamatsu
1 Kamoetyo, Nakaku, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka 432-8024 Japan
15 minute walk from JR Hamamatsu Station
*Hamamatsu Station is 2 hours away from Tokyo station by bullat train.
1 minute walk from the bus stop ‘Kamoe Art Center.’ The bus station is No.3 at the Entetsu bus terminal of Hamamatsu station.
Kamoe Art Center Hamamatsu is a public cultural facility established in November 2013 with the aim of turning Hamamatsu City into a creative city. Housed in a historical building constructed in 1928, it supports the activities of artists and creators and serves as a center of creative activities in Hamamatsu City.
The Kamoe Art Center is located in the academic district within walking distance of downtown Hamamatsu.
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/kamoeartcenter.org/
Twitter https://twitter.com/kamoeartcenter
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/kamoeartcenter_hamamatsu/
開催日 | 2024年1月21日(日) , 2月3日(土) |
開催時間 | 1日目:1/21(日)13:00~16:00、2日目:2/3(土)10:00~12:00 Date: DAY1 Sun, 21 Jan. 13pm-16pm DAY2 Sat, 3 Feb. 10am-12pm |
参加費 | 各日100円/1人、小学生以下無料 100 yen, each day, per parson. Free for Elementary school students and younger. |
対象 | だれでも さんか できます ※こどもは おとなと きてください。 This Work shop is open to every body. Children must come with their guardian. |
主催 | 浜松市鴨江アートセンター(指定管理者:浜松創造都市協議会・東海ビル管理グループ) Organized by Kamoe Art Center Hamamatsu |
会場 | 浜松市鴨江アートセンター Venue: Kamoe Art Center Hamamatsu |
Google フォームから もうしこんで ください。Googleフォームが むずかしいひとは かもえアートセンターに メールを ください。
Please apply by Google form above. If you need help or have any question, please feel free to contact us by E-mail event@kamoeartcenter.org.
Kamoe Art Center Hamamatsu
E-mail event@kamoeartcenter.org